Lokalna Grupa Działania „Zielony Pierścień”
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Shepherdess Jadwiga




Once upon a time, a shepherdess called Jadwiga watched the oxen belonging to the Markuszów heir. The animals were grazing on the neighbouring meadows, which were abundant in lush grass. However, after many days of intense rainfall, the entire area was pretty boggy and the oxen were sinking into the soft soil. In order to water the satiated animals, the shepherdess drove the oxen toward the creek. The oxen began drinking water, and looking for fresh grass, they moved toward the nearby quagmire. The heavy animals started sinking in the boggy mud. First, they submerged themselves up to their bellies and then deeper and deeper, until you could only see their heads. The more they were trying to get out, the deeper they sank. The shepherdess attempted to rescue the animals, and tried to pull them out in many ways, but she wasn’t able to do anything on her own. When she held the terrified animals’ heads up and pulled them with all her strength, one of the struggling animals pressed her with its body, so that she herself was unable to get out of the mud. In vain, she called for help, as no one was nearby. After some time, the swamp swallowed both the girl and the animals, and the local residents pass down this tragic story as a warning from generation to generation.




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