Lokalna Grupa Działania „Zielony Pierścień”
ul. Żeromskiego 1
24-150 Nałęczów
Tel/fax 81 50-16-140
e-mail: [email protected]

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“Markuszów of King Sobieski” Discoverers’



While in Markuszów, it is worth participating in the “Markuszów of King Sobieski”Discoverers’ Expedition. This is one of the first games, called after the English term – the Quests, in the Lublin Region, which in an interesting way presents many mysteries of this small town boasting an exceptionally rich history. The Quest questionnaire can be downloaded from the website www.markuszow.pl or can be obtained in the County Culture House (ul.Marka Sobieskiego 1). There, you can also receive a stamp in the passport to the Bicycle Land at the Amber Trail Greenways.


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