Lokalna Grupa Działania „Zielony Pierścień”
ul. Żeromskiego 1
24-150 Nałęczów
Tel/fax 81 50-16-140
e-mail: [email protected]

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The blue trail



The blue trail that is 13.2 km long runs near two picturesque lakes: Rejowiec and Duży Ług Lakes, and then it leads through the villages of Wólka Kątna and Bobowiska until Markuszów (the detailed description of the course of the trail is on p. XXX). In Bobowiska you can turn right onto the red connecting trail (7.09 km long) that will take you through Kłoda to Kurów to the green trail from Klementowice to Strzyżewice (see p. XXX).


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