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Zofia Trzcińska-Kamińska



Zofia Trzcińska-Kamińska (1890–1977) was an eminent sculpting artist, who spent her childhood and youth in Leśce. She sculpted in wood, stone, and marble. She eagerly sculpted the portraits of her contemporaries, as well as of historical figures. She also did bas-reliefs, medals, statues and monuments. Zofia Trzcińska-Kamińska’s works are featured in over 70 churches and monastery chapels, in Warsaw, Kraków, Tyniec, Katowice, Toruń, Płock, Szczecin, Łódź, Łomża, and Lublin, among others. Trzcińska-Kamińska’s sculptures are also exhibited at the National Museum in Warsaw, the Polish Army Museum and the Museum of the Kielce Land. They are also part of collections abroad: the Vatican collections, museums in Budapest and Chicago, and are in private collections in France and England. Almost all significant museums of Europe boast her medallic works.


The artist made the following sculptures for the Garbów church: the Stations of the Cross, the figure of Our Lady the Queen of the Crown of Poland (Our Lady in a folk costume shows the emblem of Poland leaning on the oak stump with new sprouts covered with fresh leaves growing out of it to Baby Jesus), the statue of Madonna with the rosary in her hand (placed at the high altar), and the statue of Christ the King (at the church’s fronton). Also noteworthy is the family tomb in the shape of a cube at the old Garbów cemetery, featuring the bas-relief ornamented with the motif of the Crucified Jesus Christ